Choices Flooring’s exclusive Brease carpet range has been developed to ensure that people that suffer from asthma and allergies can still enjoy the beauty of carpet in their own home. The carpet range has been developed under the National Asthma Council Australia’s Sensitive Choice® program whereby the carpet it treated to minimise triggers like dust mites, mould, and mildew to make the air in the home a cleaner and fresher environment.

Sounds too good to be true? Thousands of homes across Australasia have Brease installed in their homes, and many of our satisfied customers don’t even have asthma or allergies, they just like the fact that the carpet is a healthier option for flooring.
And as a solution dyed nylon carpet , it has the extra benefits of exceptional stain resistance, colourfastness and boasts a 15 year warranty.
With over 70 colours to choose from, there is no better choice than a Brease carpet in the home for a fresh environment.